You’ll never have to record orders with pen & paper again
Keep track of your Orders & Customers
Trusted by 20k+ Businesses
01 To edit, confirm or delete an order you received on whatsapp, just click on the link attached to the message
02 On your catlog dashboard, you can see the full details of orders you've received
03 You can also see a summarized analytics of your orders and customers
04 On the customers page, you can see details of all customers that have ordered from you
Not Convinced yet?
There’s more!
- 🔔Automated customer notifications
- 💳Generate payment link from order
- 📒Manually add customers
- 🔗Link to help customers track their orders
- 💴Apply fees and discounts to orders
- 📘Edit order details for your customers
- 🗂Orders sorted into categories
- 🔔Automated customer notifications
- 💳Generate payment link from order
- 📒Manually add customers
- 🔗Link to help customers track their orders
- 💴Apply fees and discounts to orders
- 📘Edit order details for your customers
- 🗂Orders sorted into categories
- 🎖See best-performing customers
- 📜See order & delivery details in one place
- 🧑🏾🚀Edit existing customers info
- 📝Manually log orders - coming soon
- 📤Export your orders & customers - coming soon
- 💌Send bulk emails & SMS from your dashboard - coming soon
- 🎖See best-performing customers
- 📜See order & delivery details in one place
- 🧑🏾🚀Edit existing customers info
- 📝Manually log orders - coming soon
- 📤Export your orders & customers - coming soon
- 💌Send bulk emails & SMS from your dashboard - coming soon
- 💴Apply fees and discounts to orders
- 📘Edit order details for your customers
- 🗂Orders sorted into categories
- 📒Manually add customers
- 🎖See best-performing customers
- 📜See order & delivery details in one place
- 🧑🏾🚀Edit existing customers info
- 💴Apply fees and discounts to orders
- 📘Edit order details for your customers
- 🗂Orders sorted into categories
- 📒Manually add customers
- 🎖See best-performing customers
- 📜See order & delivery details in one place
- 🧑🏾🚀Edit existing customers info